Helping you succeed!
Starting a business? We are small business advisors with real experience.
Helping you succeed!
Helping you succeed!
Helping you succeed!
Thinking about starting your own business but not sure how?
Got lots of ideas but worried about the right business structure?
We can help. As a small business advisor we can give you the right help and guidance.
As a small business advisor we know what it takes to start and grow a business
We're prepared to help you at any level, from impartial advice or practical assistance to even investing.
Whether you're just starting out or looking to restructure we've got it covered:
Legal structure
Marketing and sales
We have started businesses from scratch and grown them to significant scale.
We have the experience to help you on the business journey
see profile of one of Maibob's consultants
Sign up to hear from us.
Our service includes a free days consultation to help identify gaps and opportunities
After that we will get involved and provide a comprehensive report with all the details and tips.
We have different charges and not set by the hour or day.
We often agree to work on a free basis and take a % of your future profit if we believe in you.
Or an equity stake.
Business mentors are key.....we are like having a board of Directors and advisors all rolled into one at the fraction of the cost.
As entrepreneurs ourselves we know what is takes and we are keen to help.
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